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What Web (Sites) We Weave

Have you ever watched that master architect, the spider, weave a web? Every strand is positioned with meticulous precision in the appropriate place that will enhance the entire form.† Experts marvel at how this tiny creature can produce such amazing symmetry of design and yet so uniquely individual to itself.† Beyond that, each web is superbly functional; it beautifully fulfills its intended purpose…to attract insect visitors.

Today, businesses function in a world increasingly dependent upon that stunning, technical innovation of man…THE INTERNET! A new paradigm of marketing has been born. The old rules have either gone by the wayside, or been modified to fit the new patterns, or lack thereof.† Innovation, creativity and individualism are the “siren songs” of this strapping birth child of the marketplace, appropriately dubbed “ecommerce.”

Capturing attention on the Internet, and translating that curiosity into positive action, is the role played by a new breed of creative, outsourcing professionals; they are the web site developers. The manner in which a company presents itself on the World Wide Web can be a “make or break” decision.

According to Mike McFarlane of Kiora, “it’s not a decision that should be made hastily.”† He adds, ” it can lead the unwary into uncharted waters with a lot of hidden rocks!† Professional web design help should be sought.” McFarlane is a partner in Kiora Internet Applications, Web Design & Multimedia, Inc. headquartered in Provo, Utah.† “As with any new genre of business,” he asserts, “assessing proficiency of service and satisfaction in a rapidly growing field such as Kiora’s can be a daunting adventure for customers!”

Competing for attention on the Web

Simply telling a company’s story in print on the Web is no longer the most effective avenue.† Cyberspace travelers on the Internet are becoming far too sophisticated to be tempted to tarry at a site that is loaded with merely words alone.† The site now must employ visual sights and even sounds.† Instead of being static, the web site presentation has to maximize effectiveness. “This,” says McFarlane, ” can only be accomplished by making it ‘dynamic’, as opposed to being static. The information contained in a web site may be changed or amended from time to time, depending on the needs of the business.† The web developer should stand ready to implement these alterations when required.”

Beginning to sound complicated?† It can be, but to design the web site to accomplish its purpose, which translates into profit, is well worth the effort.† That intended profit can be either monetary or ethereal, but for either, the same intrinsic skills employed are identical…individualism, creativity and innovation.

The criteria of a memorable Web site design

McFarlane describes “individualism” in clear terms, ” each client who approaches Kiora, is different. Their industry is not only unique, but so are their needs. Their approach to conducting business and marketing sets them apart from anybody else. It individualizes their appearance and name to the world in general, and the marketplace in particular. Their web site, to be productive, must display that individualism! It should be so patently theirs alone, that it would almost be synonymous with their name.”

“Creativity” is that indefinable spark that makes a book a best seller, a painting a masterpiece, and a web site not only appealing, but also compelling.† It can elevate the ordinary to the level of memorable.

“Innovation” is an amalgam of creativity and individualism.† According to McFarlane, “it means the willingness to cross new frontiers and blaze new roads for others to follow.† In a web site, it can be the blending of visuals in motion and sound, interactivity, a dynamic presentation and not simply words alone.”

The Internet is so new and expanding so rapidly, it has spawned a host of service industries ancillary to its functioning. Web Design is no exception! Firms, and individuals, displaying the banner of Web Developer come in all sizes and shapes, and competence. Where can an organization seeking assistance find capable, outsourcing help in the field?

Identifying the right outsource designer

McFarlane offers suggestions for someone searching for a professional web site designer. “First, meet with them! Face to face!† Ask for, and expect to see, samples of sites they’ve designed.† Go “on line” and thoroughly appraise their work, all of it! Keep in mind Individualism, Creativity and Innovation. Does their work demonstrate these criterion? “At Kiora, we’re proud of the sites we’ve designed and the clients we’ve done them for.”

Next, tell the prospective outsourcer what you want the web site to accomplish.† Listen to their initial suggestions and don’t fail to be forthright.† McFarlane states, “web design is really a partnership between both parties, buyer and seller, and don’t be hesitant to state a working budget.† After all, you know what you have in mind to spend and that will guide the outsourcer as to design parameters.”

McFarlane sees the Web Design industry changing in the future. Signs of that change are already occurring today. New design firms are coming out with templates that customers can use for implementing their websites at inexpensive prices. Just plug it in and you’re ready to go “online.” Unfortunately, the three criterion of Individualism, Creativity and Innovation are not included. He’s convinced that there will always be a solid niche for Kiora. “After all,” he states, “we provide custom website designing, with the emphasis on custom, and that’s something that cannot be templated!”

Lessons from the Outsourcing primer:

  • A web site, to be effective, may need more than words.
  • Individualism, creativity and innovation should be the hallmark of web site design.
  • Ask questions and convey information when interviewing a design firm.
  • Always ask to see the outsourcer’s past web design work.

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