Research & Insight

Research & Insight


Lowering the Cost of People

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

Initially, the e-commerce world was peopleless; there was a manufacturer and a consumer and almost no one in-between. Ironically, it is becoming clear that what is going to separate successful companies from unsuccessful ones in the evolving e-commerce world will be people. Outsourcing makes this possible.

International Outsourcing: The Legal View of What’s Different

Bill Bierce

International outsourcing involves complexity and risks not found in typical domestic outsourcing. These risks are cultural, political, financial, technological, managerial and legal. Ultimately, these multiple international risks show up in the process of drafting, negotiating and enforcing the contract. Freedom of contract varies according to the governing laws and attacking the legal issues requires initiatives from the beginning.

Negotiating Effective BPO Contracts

Bill Deckelman

Negotiating Effective BPO Contracts: As the trend toward business process outsourcing (BPO) grows, companies are faced with a new learning curve. They need to understand the elements of establishing a successful BPO relationship, beginning with the proper contract vehicle, which can play a critical role in fostering the chances for success.

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