Research & Insight

Year archives: 2007

Outsourcing Facilitates Airline’s Cash Flow for Staying Competitive

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

Investing in innovation is critical to business success, especially in highly competitive industries such as the airline industry, which was hit hard with cost constraints after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Yet, British Midland Airways has been innovating and achieved many firsts in service quality. Outsourcing the highly specialized area of revenue accounting had a major impact on cash flow.

RPO Supplier Helps BloodCenter of Wisconsin Find Hard-to-Find Talent Faster, Cheaper

Outsourcing Center, Beth Ellyn Rosenthal, Senior Writer

The applicant pool at BloodCenter of Wisconsin was too small and the quality of candidates was poor. Additionally, it took too long to fill a position–up to 100 days when it should have taken just 45. Outsourcing solved its recruitment problems and cut costs–an RPO reduced the cost per hire 57 percent.

Ensuring Aligned Interests in a Public-Sector Outsourcing Relationship

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

Outsourcing cannot succeed unless both parties’ interests are aligned and they can manage to overcome inherent conflicts. In deals with government clients, there will always be an inherent conflict of interests. We studied a highly successful Canadian government relationship. This article shares their relationship best practices and framework that keeps their interests aligned.

Third-Generation Outsourced Travel Management Services Use Online Marketplaces to Include Other Travel Expenses

John Harney, Business Writer

Travel management companies (TMC) were the first generation of outsourced travel services to book flights, hotels, and rental cars. But what about restaurants or limos? Rearden Commerce, an online marketplace with interfaces to 135,000 merchants, outsources its network to TMCs and corporations.

Outsourcing Manages Risk While Transforming Processes for Canada’s Central Bank

Outsourcing Center, Beth Ellyn Rosenthal, Senior Writer

As Canada’s central bank, the Bank of Canada works to preserve the value of money by keeping inflation low. It also acts as the government’s fiscal agent. More than 400 employees worked on the retail debt program, consuming 85 percent of the bank’s IT capacity while not a core activity. Outsourcing to EDS was the answer. However, this assignment had some extra requirements.

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