Research & Insight


Direct Route to Competitive Advantage

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

One of the first value outcomes resulting from shifting ownership of Michelin North America’s logistics process to outsourcing provider, TNT North America, was a $70Million cash flow increase in just one day. The money was then invested in critical strategic objectives. That was just the start of several transformational initiatives the two successfully achieved.

Academic Outsourcing: Major in Financing, Minor in Risk

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

The University of Florida was managing a retail operation as one of its many businesses. \x0d\x0aThey partnered with an outsourcing provider, Follett Higher Education Group, who not only has taken them to the next level of services but also provided the capital investment to construct several new campus retail facilities. Together, they brainstormed on several unique collaborative ways to create high-value outcomes through outsourcing.

Vintage Outsourcing

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

CompuCom Systems’ SLA-driven outsourcing services have improved E&J Gallo Winery’s IT functions so dramatically that the winery is currently ranked in the Information 500 as the number one IS shop in its industry and the number three overall among all industries

Blue-ribbon Teaming for Excellence in Outsourcing

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

This winning relationship broke our awards scoring records and is undoubtedly one of the world’s most outstanding examples of outsourcing at its best. Owens & Minor outsourced its IT to Perot Systems, and O&M now commands the leading position in its marketplace. But that’s not all. The level of openness and honesty between these two companies is rare in outsourcing. So is their risk-reward structure — and the outcomes they’ve achieved together.

Partnering for Performance

Outsourcing Center, Kathleen Goolsby, Senior Writer

The city of Minneapolis knew that outsourcing its IT functions and assets to Unisys would enable them to focus on value-added services for internal users and external customers, but there were huge obstacles in front of an outsourcing initiative. So they first researched both successful and failed outsourcing deals to determine what they needed to do upfront to ensure their success.

Business Process Outsourcing Under Sarbanes-Oxley: Challenges and Complexities

Robert Gareis, Partner, Baker & McKenzie

You’ve outsourced finance and accounting functions. But the Sarbanes-Oxley Act says management is responsible for the veracity of the numbers. How do both parties stay clear of the dreaded 404 provision, which guarantees three squares at Club Fed? Attorneys Robert Gareis and Michael Mensik of Baker & McKenzie share some thoughts.

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